Add Categories
Articles within your Knowledge Base are arranged in Categories. This helps you to organize and
make your articles more accessible to visitors.
To add a category scroll down to �Add Category� under �KnowledgeBuilder� at the menu on the top.
This screen presents you with several options for your new category. The category name is the title/
name a user sees when they are using your knowledge base. The parent category is where you want
the category to exist. If you want the category to be on the main page/level select �root category.�
The description is optional. If you like, enter a small amount of text to describe the category for the
benefit of public users viewing your knowledge base. The order option is also optional. It allows you
to arrange your categories in a specific order. If you do not specify an order placement the system
orders the categories by name. �Make Invisible� makes your categories invisible to the public user.
The final option allows you to specify how your articles are arranged. Arrange them by title, date, and
ID. When you have finished click on �Add Category.�
Manage Categories
Click on �Manage Categories� to view a complete listing of all the categories found in your knowledge
base. You can sort by name, category, or user by clicking on the arrows at the top. You can
easily modify your existing categories. If you want to modify an existing category find the one you
wish to change, click on �e� to the right of the category. You can change the category name, parent
category, description, order used, visibility, and article order.
To delete a category check the box to the right of the category you wish to remove. Click on �Delete
Checked� to remove the category.