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Cronjobs: How To
I.    The Basics of CronjobsII.   Control Panel Specific InstructionsIII.  Manual SetupIV.  Windows Scheduled Task SetupV.   An Alternative to Cronjob setupVI.  Additional ResourcesThe Basics of Cronjobs A cronjob is a simple server script that allows your server to perform a certain...
Troubleshooting crons
Your server's cron settings control a number of important advanced functionalities of 1-2-All which require automatic action. If you are experiencing problems with scheduled mailings or autoresponders not being sent, bounced mail not being retrieved, with e-mail subscription or unsubscription...
Does SupportTrio API support .net technology for using...
Our API is made to accept form POST and to output either serialized array, XML output, or JSON serialized object. Your application should support these in order to be able to communicate with our API. The API is accessible via HTTP(S), so CURL or similar fetch method should be used to obtain...
Creating a new translation / language in SupportTrio 3.x
Our products may very well come with your language included! To find out, simply check the languages dropdown to see what languages are available. If your language is not included in the list, do not despair: it is simple to translate our products into each of the languages you enjoy. In your...
Upgrading The Software
Backup your current database and your current software directory Be aware the upgrade can take a while to fully process (depending on your server and volume of tickets)  Unzip the downloaded ZIP file Upload the main directory to your web server overwriting your current/existing help desk...