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Options for Responding to a Ticket

Quick Reply

You are going to use quick reply for making most of your responses to tickets. There is no difference, beyond the text field, between making quick and full replies. The advantage to making a quick reply is that you have the entire ticket in from of you as you compose your response. The Quick Reply message box appears at the bottom of your ticket. You can easily add personalization tags, saved responses, any number of attachments, mark resolved or closed, and preview your message. When you are ready to post your response, click on �Submit.�

Full Reply

�Full Reply� gives you a larger text field for posting your response. If you are adding personalization tags to your text you may wish to have more room to work with. To go to a screen with a larger text field click on �Full Reply� under �Options� right after the last response.

Quote & Reply

�Quote & Full Reply� gives you a larger text field for posting your response. When you click on �Quote & Full Reply� under �Options� you are taken to a �Full Reply� screen with quote tags around the last response made. In this way you can reference the last statement made in your response. If you want to reference another statement you can cut and paste the statement with quote tags (see personalization tags).

Commenting Tags

If a trouble ticket requires information that extends beyond the admin user�s realm of experience then a more experienced admin user can add commenting tags onto the ticket. These commenting tags appear in yellow and are only visible to other admin users. They are not visible to the visitor that you are addressing. They can be used to update admin users of systemic changes, advising, and training while ensuring the visitor receives the highest quality of support. Commenting tags ensure that all your support tickets, regardless of admin user, are held to high standards. Add comment tags to a ticket by clicking on �Comment� under �Options� right after the last response.

Forwarding Tickets

You can forward a message, to one or more email accounts, that contains a ticket ID, last message posted, and a link to view a trouble ticket. For Example, this is useful if your ticket contains instructions and your visitor would like you to forward those instructions over to their inbox. Or, if you are working on a trouble ticket and you would like someone else to look over it, you can then use the forwarding feature to reach them. To forward a message, click on �Forward� under �Options� after the last response.

If you run into a ticket that another user is better qualified or otherwise suited to respond to then there is also a forwarding feature. There are additional instances in which you are going to want to use the forwarding feature. Forwarding sends the ticket directly to the person(s) email box. Type in the address of the person you are forwarding off to or for more than one person the addresses (separate the addresses with a comma).

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