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Your SupportTrio has a section for displaying announcements in the public section. Announcements

are also displayed prominently on the bottom left of your public main page. These announcements

are designated to inform visitors about effective changes before they come to you with support

with questions.


Scroll down to �Announcements� in the dropdown menu under �Departments� at the top, or, if you

are already in �Departments� then scroll down to �Announcements� in the dropdown menu beside

the department you wish to add announcements to and click �Go.� To create an announcement start

with a title, then add content to the �Announcement� section, and select a �Cut Off Date.� When the

�Cut Off Date� is reached the announcement is dropped. To leave the �Cut Off Date� open so your

announcement stays around indefinitely, leave the date at 0000-00-00.

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