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Email Confirmations

Email Confirmations are sent out as confirmation for posted ticket, tickets updated, tickets assigned,

and tickets forwarded notification. Scroll down to "Email Confirmations" in the dropdown menu

under "Departments" at the top, or, if you are already in"Departments" then scroll down to"Email

Confirmations" in the dropdown menu beside the department you wish to modify. Email confirmations

are specific to each department.


Ticket ID

You can include the ticket ID in any of your email confirmation by adding the personalization tag


"%TICKETID%" in any part of the message body where you want to include the ticket ID.


Email Address

You can include the visitor's email address in any of your email confirmation by adding the personalization

tag %EMAIL% in any part of the message body where you want to include their email address.


Last Message Posted

You can see the contents of the last message posted in your email confirmation by adding the personalization

tag "%LASTPOST%" in any part of the message body where you want to include the

last message posted.


Link to View Ticket

You can include a link in your email confirmation that sends you directly to your trouble ticket when

you add the personalization tag"%TICKETLINK%" in any part of the message body where you want

to include a link to view the ticket.

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