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Additional Requirements & Required Server Settings

Some features will not work properly without the following:

GDLib: GD Lib is a graphics library included with PHP. However, it is not mandatory, and some PHP installations may not have it available. ActiveCampaign software uses GDLib to generate charts and graphs. These features will not function if GDLib is not installed and enabled. Other functionalities will be not be affected.

If your software is not generating graphs as it should, it is likely due to GD Lib not being installed. To have this installed or to receive assistance with installation, contact your web host or system admin. Installation instructions can be found at http://www.boutell.com/gd/.

Settings in php.ini: php.ini is the configuration file for your server's PHP installation. Only your web host or server administrator can alter these settings. ActiveCampaign software requires this ability to perform certain tasks.

  • allow_url_fopen: this setting allows a PHP script to open a file from any server as though it resided on the server itself. Some administrators disable this feature for security reasons.
  • set_time_limit(): this PHP function is occasionally disable in php.ini by server administrators. ActiveCampaign software requires the use of this function in a variety of circumstances.


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