You can create multiple admin users with unique permissions. Scroll down to �Admin Users� under
�Users� on the dropdown menu at the top. There is an �Add User� button at the bottom to add users.
Fill in the required information into the general fields: User, Pass,... 0.00
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You can create and manage accounts for visitors and clients. Non admin user accounts have no administrative
access. Scroll down to �Non Admin Users� under �Users� on the dropdown menu at the
top. An �Add User� button at the bottom lets you add users. When you reach... 0.00
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You can modify permission settings according to the user. Set for the following permissions: re-
sponding, closing, or subscribing to tickets; adding, modifying, and deleting departments or other
users; and managing fields, confirmation emails, or saved responses. Additionally, you can... 0.00
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