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Integrating SupportTrio and TrioLive

In order to integrate SupportTrio and TrioLive, both products must be installed into the same database.  Once SupportTrio and TrioLive are installed in the same database, the integration will occur automatically, and no further action on your part will be necessary.  Instructions for integrating SupportTrio and TrioLive are shown below, for when you are first installing the products, if you have an existing installation of one product or the other, and finally when you already have both products installed into their own databases:

When first installing SupportTrio and TrioLive, you can use the same MySQL database user, password, host, and database name for both SupportTrio and TrioLive.

If you have an existing installation of either SupportTrio or TrioLive, you can use the existing SupportTrio or TrioLive user, password, host, and database name for the new installation of SupportTrio and TrioLive.  This will cause SupportTrio and TrioLive to integrate, and will NOT cause you to lose any existing data.

If you have already installed SupportTrio and TrioLive into their own databases, you can move all of TrioLive's database tables that begin with "live_ " into SupportTrio's database, and then change the 'admin/engine.inc.php' file in your TrioLive installation to reflect the new database name.

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