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HACK: Redirect users after login

Question: Is there a way to have the software open (after user login) directly to the submit page instead of the main page? We would like to have a login feature on our main website which then takes you to the submit page. All of the submissions need to be private.

Answer: Yes, that is possible.

The following is a hack, instruction on what to do in your specific case. Please edit your /admin/engine.inc.php and put the following code after last statement (ending with ";"), before "?>" (which is a closing PHP tag):

if ( isset($_GET['loggedin']) and $_GET['loggedin'] == 1 and isset($paths) ) {
  $_GET['action'] = 'ticket_submit'; // send him to whatever page you like
  //$_GET['d'] = 123; // uncomment this line if you wish to select a department for them too

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